IDS management tool
Complete and definitive solution!


translated offices




cross-citation accuracy


daily OCR documents

Buy time to your parallegal

Cut the time and cost you spend by up to 75% on your cross-citation,
SB08 filing and PDF gathering.

Automatic translation of foreign documents, batch processing of publication numbers, OCR features, same family equivalent, English equivalents, automatic check of already IDSed citations.

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For initial and additional IDS, our solution provides a “no need for training” solution to easily onboard your paralegals on IDS management.
  • SB08 form generation
  • Cross-citation

SB08 form

Generate the SB08 form in an EFS-compliant format in a matter of seconds.


Gather citations from over 70 offices and automate the cross-citation matrix to file an additional IDS before notice of allowance.

SB08 form generation

The IDS SB08 form generation gives you the ability to you to search and add all prior art, fetch the required information and generate the field SB08 form with all the needed PDF in one package.
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For additional IDS once the prosecution of foreign equivalent has started, the cross-citation manager builds your cross-citation matrix in less than 20 minutes.
Gather and analyze citations from 70+ offices
Gather and OCR US documents
Automate building of cross-citation matrix
Share your results with your attorney and clients
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Request a Demo

Give us a call or fill in the form below to try our product.
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